tých spomínaných osem miest je garantovaných?
ja som sa zaregistroval s tým, že nebudem vedieť potvrdiť moju účasť skôr ako 15.2.2016
na to mi prišla táto odpoveď
Dear Kral,
Thank you for you contact.
We can hold your inscription maximum till the end of the year, but not the Hotel.
Here are the reasons:
1. The total number of places in the competition is 390 competitors. At the moment, we have received by email nearly 420 requests.
This means, if no one gives up, there are 30 competitors that will not be able to attend.
2. Hotel Room reservation
The WFTC2016 Team have an agreement with Holiday Inn Express HOTEL for a better price till the end of the year.
This means, after that date if we don't occupy/pay a room, the price will increase immediately.
More information:
http://www.wftc2016.com/OfficialSite/?p ... istrationsResuming, leaving the decision till mid-February it will probably mean problems.
Based on this, tell us what can we do to help.
mne vyšlo zaplatiť (bez dopravy)
Payment Details
Total Amount: €538.50