Slovak Airgun Field Target Association

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PoslaťNapísal: 19 Mar 2020, 20:05 
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Registrovaný: 19 Júl 2010, 23:03
Príspevky: 4251
Bydlisko: Trnava
Dalsie info od Sergia ohladne EFTC 2020

Dear RGBs,

In sequence of my last email we have entered in a new phase of the Virus.
As I write this words Governments have closed or are closing boarders and Airports will probably be shut down shortly in several locations.

We are now 2 months away from the European Championship and I personally believe all will be sorted out till then.
My opinion: there’s no way the world can deal with a 2 months shutdown.

However, even being personally very positive, I’ve been in contact with the EFTF 2020 Organization (Patrick in .cc) to see if we can find more available options for our problem:

Here are the Options identified:

The shoot goes through on the planned date (May 2020);
The shoot is postponed (Without Financial Impact);
The shoot is cancelled;

Option 1 is moving as planned.
Option 2 (postpone the Championship) is only option we can do some work.

However, Option 2 (postpone without any financial impact) is only possible if two conditions are satisfied:

1. Chateau (Shooting Grounds) – If the Space Owner allows to have the shoot organized on a later date (using the money already paid).
2. Restaurant - If the Restaurant Owner allows to have the shoot organized on a later date (using the money already paid).

According the information received the Chateau Owner is willing to have the shoot organized on a later date with any additional costs.
This means, only the Restaurant’s approval is missing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What is the plan?

1. Based on the information shared, I’ve asked Patrick to enter in contact with the restaurant to see what would their answer be about postponing the event.
2. We expect to have an answer from the restaurant beginning of April.
3. As soon we have feedback from the restaurant I’ll contact you.
4. Any decision to continue with the plan, postponing or cancelling will be made later on among all RGBs.

In short, until we have more information about all options, we continue with our initial plan (Championship May 2020)

Any questions please let me know.

Kind Regards,
Sergio Rita | President
European Field Target Federation


PoslaťNapísal: 26 Mar 2020, 21:10 
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Registrovaný: 19 Júl 2010, 23:03
Príspevky: 4251
Bydlisko: Trnava
Najnovsie informacie:

Dear RGBs,

I’ve more information to share with you.

1. With the exponential number of COVID 19 cases growing everyday around the globe, the information received from Patrick (in .cc) is that it’s expected the Belgium Governments to prohibit any event with large number of people. That announcement may happen within the next weeks.

This is not yet official but we have now a high probability of not having the European Championship this year (I would guess more than 90%)

2. Patrick also informed that he already spoke with person from the Restaurant.
The person from the Restaurant also confirmed that he’s available to delay the event.

3. If a delay is confirmed (and we have my guess +90% of chance), that means:
a. The EFTC2020 competition will pass to next year (2021) since the Chateau Space is taken for the rest of the year 2020. No space is available for this year.
b. The European Championship 2021 planned to happen next year in Bulgaria will need to move to the next year (2022).

4. The RGB from Spain informed me that the “Real Federacion Española de Caza” have decided to suspend attending the EFTC event.
Fernando from Spain will officially and personally explain with an email to you all within the next hours or few days.

In short, at this stage the plan continues but we have now (my guess) probably +90% of chance that the competition won’t happen this year.
Any questions please let me know.

Kind Regards,
Sergio Rita | President


PoslaťNapísal: 31 Mar 2020, 20:49 
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Registrovaný: 19 Júl 2010, 23:03
Príspevky: 4251
Bydlisko: Trnava
Zatial nic nie je oficialne, ale myslim, ze v pôvodnom termine nic nebude. Sice sme sa dohodli, ze pockame do konca aprila, ale myslim, ze kludne mozem zrusit ubytovanie. Za seba mozem povedat, ze aj ked organizator nic nezrusi, nepocestujem nikam. Prosim ucastnikov aby sa vyjadrili k navrhu zrusenia ubytovania.


PoslaťNapísal: 31 Mar 2020, 21:55 
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Registrovaný: 13 Apr 2012, 15:57
Príspevky: 853
Bydlisko: Liptovske Sliace
Verte tomu, ze ani v maji este nebudu povolene ziadne hromadne akcie
Ja to tipujem na august, ze otvoria hranice

HW 100 a S&B 12.5-50x60 FT
AA TX200 a Viper 10x44
Zoraki ultra 4,5 a Leapers UTG 2-7x32
Predtým: HW97, S634, Crosman 357 CO2, hatsan mod 25 supercharger, FX Ranchero 5,5, z optik Hawke Eclipse, Falcon FT, "bignikko"

PoslaťNapísal: 31 Mar 2020, 23:39 

Registrovaný: 18 Aug 2014, 16:44
Príspevky: 759
Chlapci a dievčatá verte, že nikam tento rok nepocestujeme. Môžete kľudne všetko rušiť. Hranice sa dĺĺĺho neotvoria pre pohyb osôb.
Nikde nič tento rok nebude. Zmierme sa s tým.
Žiaľ, nie je to 1.apríl. ;)

PoslaťNapísal: 01 Apr 2020, 05:39 
Obrázok užívateľa

Registrovaný: 13 Apr 2012, 15:57
Príspevky: 853
Bydlisko: Liptovske Sliace
fyzické osoby asi ako píšeš, ale ak by blokovali aj biznis, tak ekonomická katastrofa (tá bude aj tak do istej miery)
postupne ku kamionistom a doprave (export/import) budú musieť povoliť aj niektorým osobám, ktorí to majú v náplni práce (cezhraničné cesty - kontrolóri, obchodníci, atď)
ako som už písal, dúfam, že sa stretneme na WHFTC Skycov, ale osobne si myslím, že asi až v Šoporni

HW 100 a S&B 12.5-50x60 FT
AA TX200 a Viper 10x44
Zoraki ultra 4,5 a Leapers UTG 2-7x32
Predtým: HW97, S634, Crosman 357 CO2, hatsan mod 25 supercharger, FX Ranchero 5,5, z optik Hawke Eclipse, Falcon FT, "bignikko"

PoslaťNapísal: 01 Apr 2020, 06:50 
Obrázok užívateľa

Registrovaný: 24 Apr 2011, 08:44
Príspevky: 542
Bydlisko: Bratislava-Dubravka
Citim sa ako za mlada, tiez boli hranice zavrete, nikam sa nesmelo a po niektorych aj strielali ked chceli ist na cierno.

Weihrauch HW100 FSB Hawke Sidewinder ED 10-50x60

PoslaťNapísal: 01 Apr 2020, 08:35 
Obrázok užívateľa

Registrovaný: 13 Apr 2012, 15:57
Príspevky: 853
Bydlisko: Liptovske Sliace
aspoň že kuriéri môžu voziť diabolky
toľko som nevystrieľal za celý minulý rok čo za posledné dva týždne

HW 100 a S&B 12.5-50x60 FT
AA TX200 a Viper 10x44
Zoraki ultra 4,5 a Leapers UTG 2-7x32
Predtým: HW97, S634, Crosman 357 CO2, hatsan mod 25 supercharger, FX Ranchero 5,5, z optik Hawke Eclipse, Falcon FT, "bignikko"

PoslaťNapísal: 01 Apr 2020, 15:47 
Moderátor fóra
Moderátor fóra
Obrázok užívateľa

Registrovaný: 08 Mar 2011, 22:01
Príspevky: 1834
Bydlisko: Šamorín
fero píše:
Zatial nic nie je oficialne, ale myslim, ze v pôvodnom termine nic nebude. Sice sme sa dohodli, ze pockame do konca aprila, ale myslim, ze kludne mozem zrusit ubytovanie. Za seba mozem povedat, ze aj ked organizator nic nezrusi, nepocestujem nikam. Prosim ucastnikov aby sa vyjadrili k navrhu zrusenia ubytovania.

Ja s Majou určite tiež nikam nejdeme...

Feri veľmi pekne ďakujeme za všetky vybavovačky okolo logistiky a registrácie...

PoslaťNapísal: 01 Apr 2020, 18:26 

Registrovaný: 23 Feb 2015, 11:10
Príspevky: 96
ahojte tiež nikam nejdem .

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